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November 18, 2004- Coyote Numbers Up By Estimated 20%
According to estimates by Hppconline, coyote numbers in Southeastern Wyoming have increased by 20%. Hppconline spokesperson Tywl said there could be several reasons for this trend. "This most likely is due to the increase in prey species. We have seen evidence that Deer and Antelope numbers have increased by about 10%. A sharp increase in rabbit and other small rodent populations also have contributed to an increased carrying capacity in the area. A short and mild winter in the 2003-2004 season also contributed to ideal conditions for more predators," he said. Hunters can expect more success this season do to these trends, but easiest success early in the season.
November 01, 2004- Late Winter Creates Lag Time In Prime Fur
After being in the field over the past few weeks, Hppconline's spokesperson Tywl said Monday that hunters should postpone their fur hunting activities until the weather turns a little colder. "I haven't seen any temperatures or weather patterns that are helping the fur prime up much at all. We have decided to only remove problem predators at this point and wait for prime fur before increasing our hunting activities," he said. Chief Game Biologist Dajl said that he believes about three weeks will be enough time for good quality fur to develop. "I'm seeing some improvement in the lower levels of the fur base," he said.
February 03, 2003- Poll Results Show Lower Hunting Pressure in Winter of 2000/2001
Results of a poll taken in January showed an overall decrease in coyote hunting this winter. With this point in mind, hunters can expect increased success in the next couple of months as the predators have had less pressure so far. Tywl, spokesperson for Hppconline, said "In the last few months we've seen some cold spells that are sure to have caused the local predators to feel some hunger pains. As the poll showed, there has been a smaller number of hunters in the field this season, including our own employees. We are hoping to be able to get out there and hunt coyotes quite a bit in the next couple of months, and we hope you will do the same".
January 18, 2003- Coyote Numbers Are Down In Local Area
A study conducted by Hppconline's expert game biologist Dajl, showed that coyote numbers in southeastern Wyoming are down from last year. "We are starting to see the effects of the decline in the number of prey species on the number of coyotes in the area," Dajl said "When the food source begins to decline, the animals dependent upon them will begin to decline in the following year. Don't let this worry you though, as there is still plenty of opportunity to successfully hunt coyotes and we would encourage you to keep trying.
February 27, 2002- Latest Study Shows Coyotes Are Hungrily Responsive
According to the results of a study conducted earlier this month by game biologist Dajl, coyotes are unusually responsive this season compared to other seasons. "We conducted a two week study of coyotes within a fifty mile radius of our headquarters, and there was a 30% increase in the number of responses over the average taken from the previous five years data. With the kind of numbers we've had coming into our headquarters, we're advising that any hunter that would like to be successful in hunting predators, now is the time to get out there and pursue them." Hppconline's spokesperson, Tywl, said that the reason for the increased response percentage was most likely because the animals were having greater difficulty finding food sources, as prey animals are somewhat scarce this winter. He recommended that hunters use a distress sound such as a rabbit, along with a few howls that would possibly stir up the coyotes territorial senses. So get out there, have some fun, and enjoy your success.
February 21, 2002- Deer Numbers Suffering as Coyotes are Turning to Them For Food
After two years of steady growth, Mule Deer populations are again under the attack of their greatest enemy, the coyote. As many of the usual prey species populations are spiraling downward, coyotes are turning to larger food sources. "We often hear that coyotes only kill the lame and the sick," stated Hppc's press secretary Modl "but after they kill them, they pursue the fat and strong until they become sick and lame. This is what is already beginning to occur in the local area, and we plan to take some drastic measures to stop it." Hppc intends to obtain access to land with dwindling deer populations and proceed with a strict control plan that would reduce coyote numbers by up to fifty percent. For information on how you can help, please contact them at hppcmail@lycos.com.
April 4, 2001- Warmer Weather Causes Decline in Predator Responses
As we approach the warmer weather of summer, the experts at Hppc have observed a steady decline in predator responses to our calls. Operations advisor Modl said "With the reports just in from the field, I have now started to change our strategy for attracting predators from food source sounds to a more curiosity approach. These sounds have proven to be effective throughout the summer, so our success rate will still be quite high. I'd recommend that anyone who wants to call in a predator turn more to howling, territorial sounds, pups in distress, etc..." With this in mind, we hope that you will try different sounds and that your success will be high.
October 30, 2002- Predator Hunting Success Skyrockets As Cold Weather Returns
As our experts have been reporting an increase in their success within the last several days, Hppc's spokesperson Tywl stated "Hunters can definitely expect higher success now that cold weather has returned to the region." With the expected increase in predator response, Hppc is planning to hit the field hard. "They're easiest to get when they're young and dumb," operations advisor Modl said, "and we plan to continue reducing the overly heavy population in this area. From all of the long-term weather forecasts, we have concluded that we are going to have a winter of heavy snows, and severally cold weather. If we leave the predator populations as they are, they are sure to devastate the big-game populations. There are certain exceptions to this control plan though. In areas that are known to hold CWD infected deer, we may abstain from our predator control efforts." Hppc's game biologist Dajl predicted that the density of the current coyote population is close to two per square mile. "With that high of a density, there is no better time to hunt coyotes with a good chance for success. My idea is that there will be close to a 100% success rate for the next month." Hppc recommends that you get out into the field and try your hand at coyote hunting. They're sure you won't be disappointed.
November 04, 2002- Agenda For 2002 Coyote Derby Set
Slated to be the most exciting hunting event in Wyoming this year by it's sponsors, the second annual coyote derby's agenda of activities is set. The hunt, which will begin at 6:00 on Dec. 27th, will offer a chance for hunters to get out and "let the fur fly." "If hunters think this is just a piddly little activity that would be boring and unsuccessful, they're just plumb wrong," Hppc Manager Tywl said Monday. "We're going to have the most fun that has come this way in a long time. Everything will be well organized and planned out so that the hunters will have flexibility and fun. If they can't make both days, they'll still have a good chance to place in the competition", he said. Operations Advisor Modl said that he will be coordinating the event and that the entire occasion will be streamlined and flawless. "I hope everyone that enjoys coyote hunting will come out here and have some fun. We're emphasizing fun and safety," he said. For more information, please visit the "Upcoming Events" page or e-mail us at Hppcmail@lycos.com
November 30, 2002- Big Game, Coyote Numbers Up Considerably From 2001
"I haven't seen this kind of a population explosion in both the Big Game and coyote populations in one year since the spring of '93," said Chief Game Biologist Dajl in his biannual animal population report. The report, which was presented to the entire staff on Thursday, showed a 12% increase in the local Mule Deer population, 16% increase in the Pronghorn Antelope density, and 7.9% increase in the coyote population. "We're seeing numbers that are more relevant over a two year average than for a single year. It will be quite interesting to see what transpires from these significant increases. It could turn into a bad situation if we find ourselves facing another drought in 2003," he said. Press Secretary Modl said that his opinion is that hunters need to reduce the numbers of animals to avoid stressing the carrying capacity of the land. "You just can't sit back and watch," he said. "Hunters need to step up and be a management tool in controlling these animals. Take some coyotes this winter, and next summer get out there and hunt some Deer and Antelope." Operations Director Alam said that he will be coordinating a strategic plan in which Hppc will reduce coyote numbers dramatically in Laramie and Goshen Counties this winter. "We're going to do our part," he said. "We want to reduce numbers before the mating season begins in January and February. If we are successful, the remaining coyote population will benefit. Then, come summer, we may push for a strategic plan to manage the Deer and Antelope populations with the Game and Fish Department. We want the herds to be healthy, and to attain that goal, smart management practices must be used." Hppc's Manager Tywl said that he hopes to see hunters be motivated by these numbers to do their part in getting out into the field. "Help the animals now, and you'll have a healthier population in the coming years," he said.
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